- Print out a blank calendar
that will be used only for your Marketing.
- Assign an overall theme for each month. For example: January is national thank you month. You might create a month-long campaign with thank you notes, coupons and special offers to your current customers.
- Add a goal to each month. What's your hook each month? How will you measure success?
- Look for quirky holidays
For example, January is Hot Tea month. February 6 is "Eat Ice Cream For Breakfast day."
- Add big events to your calendar that you can leverage in your creative content (super bowl, award shows, Olympic Games in August, trending news stories etc.)
- Add your local community events. For example, a realtor might provide a list of local firework shows around the 4th of July that is part of a July theme of "local summer fun."
· · Mark all the dates that are important in your business. When are you launching a new product or services? When are you signature events?
· · Use tools that allow you to schedule content. Constant Contact, Hootsuite and Facebook all have scheduling features so you can set up your campaigns in advance.
· · Mix in off-line strategies. Flyers, postcards and printed collateral to distribute at your front desk or other physical locations are just as important as your emails and social media posts. They all work together to reinforce your campaign.
Courtesy of HutDogs