Why Is Prospecting So Important

Posted by mixed on 7/29/2022 to Marketing Ideas

More Customers

When prospecting works, you attract more potential customers to convert into buyers. This is important, because the typical salesperson loses about 15 to 20 percent of his customer base each year due to gradual attrition. Without prospecting, the entire customer base eventually erodes. More customers increases your buyer pool and allows your salespeople to remain busier working with new and existing customers.

Increased Revenue

More customers also leads to more revenue. Each new prospect that your salespeople find and convert to a customer increases sales production in your business. This is what helps companies grow over time. This growth helps offset risks of increased operations and costs of goods that occurs due to inflation.


  1. Qualifying prospects is a part of prospecting. This is the use of basic questions or qualifying criteria to draw out the most profitable potential customers. By finding out the level of need, buying motivation and financial capabilities of prospects, your salespeople can increase their selling efficiency and go after the top prospects willing to buy. Shortening the sales cycle by contacting the highest potential customers also allows your salespeople to make more contacts in a given period.

  2. Data Gathering

    1. Finding prospects does not always lead to immediate sales. In some cases, salespeople use contact with prospects to gather data and conduct market research. Entry Boxes, Direct mail and Social Media, for instance, are tools salespeople can use to find out why customers enter the market to buy certain products, what their primary focus is in shopping and how to best sell. This data can help in contacting specific prospects, but it also aids in developing sales strategies and tactics that can be applied in the long term.

Maximize Your Sales

Posted by LeadBox.com via Tim Forrest on 5/8/2018 to Marketing Ideas

How to Maximize Your Sales

Sales can make or break your business. Fortunately, there are some proven strategies to maximize your efforts.

Here we share best practices for gathering prospects and converting them into loyal new members.

Tim Forrest is the President and Founder of Zone Fitness Club in Tampa, Florida. He has over 20 years of experience with executive fitness management. He is a recognized speaker who holds a Bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science and Business.

There are three key cultures that affect sales performance:

  • A monthly sales game plan.
  • Providing an experience that wows clients.
  • Selling solutions and value.

Outdoor Sidewalk Sign

Posted by Mark Bierotte on 1/30/2018 to Marketing Ideas
A small investment in a simple outdoor sign can attract business you didn't realize was there. Get those impulse buyers into your business with a sandwich board sign on the sidewalk.

Cost-effective Guerilla Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses

Posted by Ben Snedeker on 10/24/2017 to Marketing Ideas
The term “guerilla marketing” might sound ominous, but it’s not threatening. The term was coined by Jay Conrad Levinson in 1984; he was describing unconventional¸ cost-effective marketing strategies that small businesses around the world could use to get their brand noticed. The concept is to use non-traditional advertising activities to get your brand out on street level, disrupting pedestrian life enough to grab people’s attention. Levinson described it this way:

Take the lead - ensuring successful lead generation

Posted by Amanda Bracks on 10/2/2017 to Marketing Ideas
Lead generation, therefore, has become increasingly important and can be the difference between a health club making profit or shutting its doors. So what type of lead generation works best? It depends on your business, your staff and your member demographic, but generally speaking, a range of activities is usually most effective at ensuring overall success.

5 Ways to Convert More Leads

Posted by ENTREPRENEURIAL COACH on 9/27/2017 to Marketing Ideas
5 tips you can implement today that will help you convert more leads each and every month, resulting in more money for your business!


Posted by FitnessTexter on 8/28/2017 to Marketing Ideas
Back to business. You’re looking for advertising ideas for promoting your CrossFit; you’re in the right place. Below you’ll find 15 surefire marketing strategies to boost your box’s membership. They might not all work for your specific affiliate, but give them a read and figure out which ones will work and which won’t. If you have any more suggestions, please leave them in the comments at the bottom.

Do handing out guest passes result in good ROI?

Posted by Brad Spiegel on 8/24/2017 to Marketing Ideas
Offering something of value is a great marketing tool. For health and fitness clubs, often it is a guest pass. Issuing one results in very little financial commitment by the club, while the long-term benefits are boundless –memberships, non-dues revenue classes and even referrals.

A 10 Step Lead Box System For Gyms and Personal Training Studios

Posted by Joshua Fleming on 8/10/2017 to Marketing Ideas
How to increase your memberships for a very low cost. Effective way for health clubs, martial art studios and chiropractors to increase their cliental for less than $300.

Lead Boxes Can Work Well

Posted by Mark Bierotte on 11/14/2016 to Marketing Ideas
Lead Boxes Can Work Well
If you have been in sales and marketing for an extended period of time, you will know that Lead Boxes were once the most commonly used source of lead generation. 10-15 years later, lead boxes can still be a productive source of good leads for businesses.

Sales: The Secret Weapon

Posted by Mark Bierotte on 8/10/2016 to Marketing Ideas
Generating sales from leads is a frustrating and rewarding process.
Perhaps you have a lack of leads or you feel your leads are of low quality: whichever situation, the secret is to treat each lead individually and follow up with the person. It may sound obvious, but I have heard of many instances where the follow up was missing or very minimal. When I use the term "Follow Up", it really means follow up. How much follow up?

Marketing: Old is New, Email Newsletters

Posted by Mark Bierotte on 6/27/2016 to Marketing Ideas

Businesses are always looking for the newest marketing trends to incorporate into their marketing plans. Many marketing people have tried; blogs, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and I am sure some campaigns produced great results and others, not as well.

But one of the most highly effective content marketing strategies available today is actually pretty old school. It's been around since the '90s (practically retro!).

I'm talking about email newsletters.

It's easy to shrug off newsletters in favor of newer, shinier marketing tools, but there's one irrefutable reason to use them: They really work. According to a Direct Marketing Association study, every dollar spent on e-mail marketing generates--on average--$38. That's a staggering 3800% ROI.

Using ballot boxes to uncover a million dollar idea

Posted by By Renee Magana on 3/18/2016 to Marketing Ideas
Ballot box tips including QR codes and mobile texting to uncover a million dollar idea

Pro Active Markeiting

Posted by Mark Bierotte on 10/12/2015 to Marketing Ideas

Pro Active Marketing Jason Linse

You can either be a proactive marketer or a reactive marketer. Being reactive means waiting until a competitor does something, like a mass mailing, and then using that as motivation to do some of your own advertising.

You don’t want to be that gym.

Are Lead Boxes Dead?

Posted by Mark Bierotte on 7/17/2015 to Marketing Ideas
Are Lead Boxes Dead?
This article is taken from Club Solutions Magazine, a leading Fitness Industry Magazine.
Lead Boxes once the king of Marketing in the Fitness Industry, should still be a vital tool in your marketing strategy.

4 Ways to Hook Customers

Posted by Mark Bierotte on 6/4/2015 to Marketing Ideas
If you want to Hook More Customers, You Have to Follow What the Large Chains Do. Follow these 4 Tips that are staples of the fast food industry to capture more customers.

Tips to Help Your Contest Lead Box Program

Posted by Mark Bierotte on 6/4/2015 to Marketing Ideas
Tips to Help Your Contest Lead Box Program
5 Tips to Help with Your Lead Box Program
Lead Boxes are a staple marketing product of Shane Lawrence, a master marketing consultant who specializes in turning around ailing health clubs. Shane Lawrence, is a master at increasing new memberships at clubs that have been open for years. One of his first pieces of business is to set up a lead box program to generate new leads. At every club his lead box programs work, even when the existing ownership was truly convinced that they were a waste of time. Here are 5 Tips Shane has shared to help you launch a Successful Lead Box Program.

Marketing Tips

Posted by Mark Bierotte on 7/31/2014 to Marketing Ideas
Fundamental Marketing Tips