Many businesses have already been using this form of marketing, or a version of it. A lead box is a good example. A lead box for your business placed in another business is a form of Guerilla Marketing. A lead box that incorporates an offer for both your business and the business it is placed in, is an example of FUSION MARKETING. A simple example of this would be an offer to Win a $20 Gift Certificate at this business. All entries will also receive a 2-week Mini-Membership to (your business). Chiropractors could offer a Free Massage. The design and size of the text offers is important as the message needs to be delivered clearly and concisely to the consumer.
There are many charities just about everywhere. Try working with a charity or non-profit. Contact a charity to Fusion Market with. You can then work with local businesses by placing donation boxes in store locations. When someone makes a donation, they receive a Guest Pass to your business. Create some local buzz at the same time to reward the businesses who participate. Can you do a radio spot or a direct mailer, door hangers; these could help direct consumers to local businesses for the purpose of donating to the local animal shelter.
Everybody wins with Fusion Marketing. It takes your energy your creativity to make this work. But no longer can you sit back and run a straightforward simple marketing campaign. The competition in your field is strong and you need to continually modify and improve your marketing efforts. Do not under estimate the value of a database. Companies rely on databases and many pay a lot of money for one. In many instances, the success of your Direct Mail Campaign is more a result of a good database than the design of the postcard. You can share the database your are creating with the store's where your boxes are placed. This is a tremendous value to the business.
Why Use Fusion Marketing?
The answer is very simple. The consumer is already interested in the product or service where they are shopping or visiting. Otherwise, they would not be there. The main purpose for you is to gain a prospect. By appealing to the consumer's interest in a service/product they are already interested in will help to grab their attention. The offer is sponsored by your business so it is clear where it is coming from and what other offers are involved. Your business relies on the local community. These campaigns help to create awareness of your business. The more involved you are in the community, the more your name spreads.
Remember to main goal of marketing is to Get in front of the consumer. More important, get in front of the consumer when they are most vulnerable. I use the term vulnerable as time when you can have the consumer's attention and the consumer has the availability and interest.
Fusion Marketing also works well with other forms of media, not just lead boxes. Try it with a Mobile Scratcher Text to Win Campaign.
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