Available in both cardboard and plastic, these floor standing boxes offer the most value out of all our products. One of them is like 10 counter size suggestion boxes!
Can be used as a ballot box, donation box, suggestion box, or for lead generation box. They work great in high traffic locations, such as movie theaters, car washes, shopping malls. A great idea is to put them in the food courts of Targets, Walmarts, Kmarts, etc. Many times you can bypass the corporate paperwork by placing them in the food court area which is usually sub-leased by an independent operator.
For a more professional look we can customize your display with artwork. Printed on decal stickers that adhere to your suggestion boxes.
We can add locks, brochure holder pocket and business pockets to your boxes. Please note: locks cannot be added to donation cardboard boxes.
You will need a short phillips screwdriver to assemble. They ship in 3 pieces and you just fold in to place.